Love means harmony. The past, the present, the future are objects of love. Man must strive for the feeling of love within him and then he will no longer have to drink.

The situation that has now been created in the world corresponds to the contemporary spiritual level of mankind. More and more money is being spent on buying narcotics and also on the fight against them, but the desired effect is small as the use of narcotics are gaining ground world wide. It is an effect of the misunderstanding that the fight must not be fought against narcotics, but with that cause which determines the passion for using them. The cause is the low level of inner love of mankind. "And yet because of the transgression of many laws in men the love will fade away," it was said of us two thousand years ago. The rejection of love for God and the rejection of divine feelings towards parents and children, towards oneself and one's loved one, towards the non-living nature and towards the world around us has become something that is happening everyday in our lives. All of these violations trigger the program of destroying Love that results in a cascading increase in pain that you cannot extinguish with alcohol or drugs. To get out of the impasse of the current crisis and get rid of its wounds, humanity must learn to love again: to love God, the Universe, people, the world around it, the past, the present and the future. "God is Love." Some believe this is very simple... "I said I will love and I began to love."... Love is a complicated art that must be learned through constant effort.

Every cell of our body, in order to exist fully, must not only function for itself, but also live by the rules of unity with the whole body, or else the cell becomes cancerous and can lead to the destruction of the body it is part of. Man is a cell of the world. His task is not only to fulfill his functions, but also to strive incessantly for contact and unity with the Universe, for the love of God. Our contact with the Divine is determined not only by desire and faith, but also by the purity of our body and soul. We all have contact with the Divinity, but its degree is diverse; the purer man is, the greater the contact.

S N Lazarev
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